The Beginning

Royalty Warriors Civilians
King NotchCommander SkyErica.A
Queen E-ZGeneral SparklezJerome
King HeroBrineGeneral AntBajanCanadian
Princess (iforgot)TrueMU Elite CommanderHuskyMudkips
Creator MountainDiamond Lead HealerBodil40

Tell me about yourself!

Now then, lets start the story, shall we?


In the beginning, there was a creator, who made a world that could never be round. The creator took three children brothers from another world. One was named Notch, he had a small bit of hair and had leather clothes. Another was named Steve, he had brown hair and blue eyes and he had a blue shirt with denim pants. And the last brother was named HeroBrine, he was Steve�s twin, except he had no pupils for eyes. The creator taught the brothers how to live in this world, the brothers made a house and lasted the nights. The cubed world had not yet lived with creatures of undead and demons. The brothers thrived for many years until HeroBrine got bored. �Brothers we should create something new,� HeroBrine said, �We should do something with that old obsidian in our chests.� He declared. The other brothers nodded and went along with it, the brothers took some flint and steel and put the obsidian in a rectangular shape. They thought they were just making decorations, but they lit the obsidian and it became a portal to another dimension. The brothers went through it and found a hellish world that they named the nether. HeroBrine saw this world as a playground, he found it exciting and beautiful, but his brothers found it scary and darkening. Steve and Notch stated that they should leave, but that�s when HeroBrine did not like their conclusions. HeroBrine said they should live here, but the brothers disagreed. They parted ways, HeroBrine lived in the Nether, and Steve and Notch lived in the normal dimension. HeroBrine gained benefits from the hellish world, unbelievable powers, he fought against his brothers to gain power and make a kingdom. They all fought and Steve and Notch brought an end to HeroBrines wrath and put him back in the Nether, for then.

Chapter 1

There once was a girl named Gabby that loved to play video games and fantasize in the sun. She wrote story�s and believed they were real, like this story that I tell you now. She always believed that this one story might come true, about Minecraftia, a world made of blocks, the world had not one single circle in it. She one day was soaking in the sun, daydreaming of how amazing life would be if story�s came true. In Minecraftia you could live forever, if you had enough XP that is. She pretended one day that one of her characters from her books, named SkyTheKidRS was real, and she pretended she trained in battle with Sky. She even pretended of the atmosphere being different, more clear and less of all the pollutions of her world. She believed, that the sorcery from HeroBrine was real, and hard to defeat. She one day was playing in her own little fantasy, writing more of the story. But she came at a stop, not knowing what to write. She started laying in the grass and thinking, �what would I do,� she started pondering, she started believing the whole story was real and what she would do. Then it became black, she fell asleep? No, did she faint? No that wasn�t it either, she opened her eyes to find just the sky, and she was falling. She was falling but something warm, like warm arms holding her in, caught her and she fell unconscious.

Sky was having a normal day walking through the castle grounds, and saw a crowd of civilians pointing to the skies with worried and anxious faces, he looked up and a girl was falling from the sky. Sky hesitated and grabbed his hover board, he jumped on it and put it on full speed. He quickly grabbed the falling girl, she had no clothes on but a towel. He brought the fainted girl to the castle as quickly as possible, �King Notch!� he yelled desperately for his king. Notch came out of the castle study, and saw the girl. �A spawn� Notch thought. They took the girl to the infirmary, and gave her clothes. Sky was left to keep watch of her, see if she woke up. He looked at the girl for a few seconds, she strangely looked familiar. Sky sat down in a chair near the bed, he wrote in his journal for a little while.

Sky woke up, he fell asleep on the job �I hope notch didn�t see� he thought. He noticed the girl had turned over, he walked over to the girl and started nudging her. The girl turned over, pushed away his hand and moaned. �Wake up,� he said to the girl, the girl started waking up and asked �Andrew?�. She yawned and opened her eyes to find Sky just standing there confused of who Andrew was. �AHHHHH!!� she screamed as she fell off the bed, noticing everything was blocks. �Calm down! Please!� Sky said rubbing his ears, �WHO ARE YOU?! WHERE AM I!?� she asked yelling fearfully. Notch came rushing through the door with AntVenom and CaptainSparklez at his side.

Chapter 2

Everything started to clear up now, Gabby understood that her story is in front of her. She stood up, and touched Sky�s face, to make sure he was real. �You�re SkyTheKid, 1st in command of Notches army, and leader of the Sky army,� she walked over to CaptainSparklez and said �You�re CaptainSparklez, 2nd in command of Notches army.� She saluted to him and moved over to Antvenom �Your Antvenom, 3rd in command, of Notches army.� And finally she walked over to Notch, and she kneeled to Notch �and you are Notch, king of the land, brother of HeroBrine and Steve.� She stood up still astonished that her story has come true.

�How do you know who we are,� Sky demanded, Gabby stood there, speechless. �I shouldn�t tell them, yet� she thought. Sky put a threatening face on and stepped forward, but Notch stopped him by putting his hand in front of him. �Be easy on the girl, she�s new.� Notch said, he came up to Gabby and asked her, �What is your name, girl� �Gabby, o-or TheMountainGirl.� She answered stuttering a bit. �How about Mountain for short?� Notch asked, Gabby just nodded with a small smile growing.

Notch brought her to the castle shops and they bought Gabby a nice pair of denim pants and a shirt with blue stripes and a smiley face on it. Gabby also picked out some green high-tops, and Notch let her explore after she got dressed. Sky was escorting her, he looked down on Mountain with skeptical eyes. �Why do you keep looking at me like that?� Mountain asked �You came out of the sky, woke up, asked if my name was Andrew, then addressed all of us�� Sky replied. �� Oh eheh right� anyways, �wanna get some ice cream?� Mountain asked and pointed to the ice cream parlor. Sky sighed, nodded and relaxed his shoulders, he walked into the parlor and opened the door for Mountain. They sat down and the waiter came and asked for their order �Straw-berry,� Mountain and Sky said in sync. The looked at each-other and laughed, they got their ice-cream and started a conversation about who they are and everything. �Oh what have we found here, Adam on a date with the new girl?� Said a kid with green headphones and hair over his left eye. �W-what!? It�s not a date, I was just showing her around!� Sky explained, the kid just laughed and put his hand out for a handshake �I�m Deadlox, aka Ty� Mountain shook his hand and smiled �Hi I�m Mountain, aka Gabby� Mountain replied, softly blushing at the comment he made about her and Sky. Sky licked his ice-cream and glared at Deadlox �Ty, we aren�t on a date� Sky repeated himself, and Gabby felt slightly disappointed, �Haha, I know I�m just messin� with you� Deadlox
