Hello, I'm Jay



“Duncan where is the sonic screwdriver?” asked a brown haired girl who had a lab coat on. “I’m not sure, could you come to with me down to the plasma lab Jessica?” asked Duncan, a blonde messy haired scientist. Jessica jumped down the stairs and landed next to Duncan “Sure!”. Jessica and Duncan stepped down the stairs and opened the large metal door that says ‘Caution Radiation’ on it. “Go check the power supply on the generator,” Duncan ordered, Jessica walked over to the generator next to the reactor and started tapping the screen. “It’s blank?” Jessica declared, Duncan opened a drawer and grabbed the remote sitting inside it. Jessica looked around for the problem then saw a force-field machine interfering with it. “Uh Duncan?... Why is there a force-field here?” She got up and shot a skeptical worried glance at Duncan. Duncan looked sideways and was smiling creepily and his goggles were on, he pressed the button on the remote and a force-field formed around Jessica. “Duncan!?” Jessica screamed questioning him, “We couldn’t find a test subject could we? So I wanted easy prey” he laughed insanely. “Duncan if this is a joke, it isn’t funny!” Jessica had an angry face, Duncan laughed and typed on the computer. The plasma reactor started to shake and make noise, Duncan looked at Jessica and took off his goggles and put his hand on the lever. Jessica coughed and weakly fell on her knees, the radiation, “I trusted you D-Duncan… Why?” Jessica trembled.

Duncan looked at her and put his hand on the force-field and said “This will only hurt a lot, dear”. Jessica trembled with fear and she felt something in her pocket, then she remembered she was working on a teleportation device. She knew it was unstable and could possibly interfere with her genes, or kill her. So she had to choose, possibly go insane like Duncan and die, or die by Duncan’s reactor. She weakly grabbed the teleportation device which was basically a bunch of wires and technology connected to an ender eye. She quickly searched over the ender eye for the on switch. Duncan typed on the computer one last time before switching the lever. The Plasma reactor started smoking and beeping to show it’s overloading. The reactor starting sparking and the room starting flashing red, Jessica looked up at Duncan with her hand on the button. She pointed the remote towards the door and pressed the button as soon as the reactor exploded, leaving a huge crater. She saw only blackness then saw two giant purple eyes open, ender eyes. She suddenly blinked and she was at the door to the lab, her eyes hurt and the ends of her hair withered into a blackish, purple. She looked back at an angry Duncan fearfully, and ran off.